
Friday, March 26, 2010

The Power of Rehearsal

Saturday I spoke to my Advanced Toastmasters club. It was a rehearsal for a breakout session at our District Conference. I also want to develop this presentation as an offering in my umbrella of personal development presentations.

If you are not in an Advanced Toastmasters club in your area (or a Mastermind of speakers) then you should join one. I get great analysis from this group. Lots of lessons learned BEFORE I’m in front of a “real” audience.

I gave a rambling, unfocused talk and came home with 2 pages of notes to help me focus and stop the rambling.

A big piece of advice was to completely cut and replace my opening.

I LOVE my opening. It is MY favorite part of this nascent presentation. It’s my baby.

But they’re absolutely right. It has to go. It isn’t what my AUDIENCE will want and need.

Find a group like this for yourself or form one.