and I'm not just talking about the 110 degree temperatures.
There were so many great events, learning opportunities, and people at the convention I'm still processing everything that happened. Every Toastmaster owes it to him or her self to attend at least one International Convention.
By the way, that's me with the 2007 Toastmasters World Champion of Public Speaking, Vikas Jhingran,
The three elements of personal and professional change that I talk with people about are: 1. Do Something...Different! (Go to Try Outs!) 2. Meet New People! (Get Help!) and 3. Tell New Stories!
The convention had all three elements.
It was my first time so it was something different. Another something different was attending the 1st ever Edgenet Summit on Tuesday August 14, just before the Convention. I also volunteered to help out at the convention...a great way to learn something new and meet new people. Always volunteer!
I met new people from all over the world, Australia, Bahrain, England, Germany, Russia what a great experience.
New stories? Yes I can tell you about the people I met, those I got to know better, and the kindness of strangers.
All in all a Grand Toastmasters Adventure In Phoenix, Arizona.